
history of banking معنى

  • تاريخ القطاع البنكي
  • history    n. تاريخ, حكاية, س ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • banking    adj. مصرفي; n. الص ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. history of bangladesh (1971–present) معنى
  2. history of bangladesh by location معنى
  3. history of bangladesh by period معنى
  4. history of bangladesh by topic معنى
  5. history of bangladeshi cricket معنى
  6. history of banking in the united states معنى
  7. history of baptists معنى
  8. history of barbados معنى
  9. history of barbados by period معنى
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